Egg Plant Spray Program

GROWTH STAGE (Timing)ProblemSolutions
Just before planting Seed and soil borne infection of fungal diseases (Damping off)due to Pythium and phytopthora. Excalibur Gold(HC)
All weeds(Perenual and Anuals)WeedAll
Annual weedsAqriquat
Directly after transplanting Seed and soil borne infection of fungal diseases (Damping off, Verticillium wilts).Excalibur Gold(HC)
Poor top shoot growth and transplanting shock.Sprout
Marinure DS
Soil conditioning.: Wash in to root zone by light irrigation. Marinure DS limits mortality of seedlings, promotes top growth and root development.
CutwormsLycomax, Recharge, Benefit
NematodesAgrioxamyl GR
Week 2 after emergence Poor growth due to lack of phosphorus and trace elements.SuperKelp
Alternaria and Cercospora leaf spotsDynamic
Strobi Gold
Tebucon Pro
Week 4 after emergence Poor fruit set due to Calcium, magensium, zinc, boron deficiencies.Marinure DS
Marinure CalMag+B
Apply once.
Aphids, Beetles, Whitefly, LacebugFizimite,
Alternaria and Cercospora leaf spotsDynamic
Strobi Gold
Tebucon Pro
Before flowering Flower abortion and poor fruit sizeNitroBor
Marinure Zinc
Repeat application after flower initiation and replace Marinure Zinc with Marinure ZMC at a rate of 2 L/h
Bollworm, Bettles, Lacebug, Red SpiderBiotrine
Alternaria and Cercospora leaf spotsDynamic
Strobi Gold
Tebucon Pro
Just after flowering – before fruit set Poor fruit set due Calcium, magnesium, zinc, boron deficiencies,Marinure DS
Marinure CalMag+B
Foliar and stem diseases
Altenaria, Anthracnose, Fusarium, Cercospora
Dynamic, Nugro, Strobi Gold, Tebucon Pro,
With fruit formation Poor fruit set due Calcium, magnesium, zinc, boron deficiencies,Marinure DS
Nutrigro K
Marinure CalMag+B
Bollworm, Bettles, Lacebug, RedspiderBiotrine
Mold, Foliar and stem diseases
Altenaria, Anthracnose, Fusarium, Cercospora, Sclerotinia
Dynamic, Nugro, Strobi Gold, Tebucon Pro,
Bacterial wilt
Fruit enlargement Marinure CalMag+B Nutrigro K

* Start spraying with Marinure CalMag + B as early as possible to prevent and promote fruit quality & shelf life.
Calcium is also important for cell division that has a direct influence on the ultimate fruit size.
Marinure DS sprays are important for root development, top growth, stress relief (including heat, cold) of the crop and finally fruit size. Potassium, present in Nutrigro K is critical for fruit size.